The key to any successful activity is knowing your goals and defining your path to achieve them.
Without clearly defined goals it can be hard to measure your success or evaluate your shortcomings, all of which are critical to the growth of your business (or whatever goals you had set). Abraham Lincoln is credited with saying something along the lines of "Give me an hour to cut down a tree, and I will spend the first 45 minutes sharpening the axe", this quote has many variations but they all suggest the same thing. Good preparation and planning is essential to any task and lead to the task being performed more efficiently. It ensures everybody is on the same page and working to the same goal, in the same way.
Here at Amadoo we love to make sure we are heading in the right direction and have all the tools we need, before we take the first step. In the long run it helps us produce a better product and keeps us efficient and focused.
At Amadoo, we believe that strategy and planning is so important we always incorporate it at some level in any project we undertake. Marketing and strategy go hand in hand so it is important to develop a plan of action to keep your marketing activites in order. Whether it's as a stand alone service or part of a project we are working on for you, we've got it covered so you don't have to worry about it.